Wednesday 24 March 2010

Camerca FX + Mic FX = AR

Natural Augment?

This picture was taken in NYC. When I seen the picture it made me think, who has a bleeding sword through their heart designed and posted up for display in a window somewhere but then after I developed the picture I seen that I had caught the reflection and in fact it looks as though I am the one with a broken heart, maybe that is why I took the picture. This made me look at augmented reality different as instead of a heart it could be a computer generated game / display.

Camera & Mic FX




1/2 speed
x2 speed
high pitch

Thursday 18 March 2010

Comp Ascii FX

 Computer language is represented as text, whether its binary or ascii it is still written in a text format for the computer to decode, so to be inside a computer would mean that we would have to be represented in text for the computer to understand. This is like being a part of the matrix however the matrix has its own format of 0's and 1's (binary) in a green colour so I thought this representation was better as its all letters and shown in a black on white imagery. (without sound)

Matrix FX

 To be inside the matrix means that you are in the world of the matrix and whether you are bound by the rules or not you will be viewed by people outside of the matrix via this feed. This is the view that is seen at the end of the movie when Neo the main character in the films comes back to life and can view the matrix with his naked eyes, however we can't so therefore I like this augmented reality and think it would be good with sound but there is no 'matrix' sound except the voices of the characters portrayed in the film by the actors.

Saturday 20 February 2010

Max5 - Handling Sound

As previously explained you can have inputs to Max5 using the following objects:


But as well as these there are many more things you can do to manipulate the inputs using other objects and messages as follows:

The previous is another way of toggling between on and off but this time using messages such as 1's and 0's to give it a state.

The following is a form using the Max5 keyboard in the patcher so that whenever you click a note on the keyboard the appropriate sound will be outputted to the speakers or headphones:

As you can see this uses the notein and noteout objects.
You can also add more interaction and better handling by using other objects. The following is a input from a mic to a output such as a speaker. 

adc~    =   analogue to digital converter
dac~    =   digital to analogue converter

These can also be used by using the speaker and microphone symbols,  I have used both in the following:

As you can see with the following you can also have sliders as volume controls or to control the synthesis of a sound, the bars labeled input and output show the volume at each interval. There is also a number box to show the volume.

But what about opening from files? You can not only open files but you can play, stop and pause where appropriate:

 All of the actions made on the sound are message boxes as this is the best way of a human controling the sound as if it were all code it would get very confusing.

Here is a more complicated way of manipulating sound in max5 I will try and explain what I can:

The previous example is a loop with a stop and start button along with the toggle button which sort of does the same thing, the 0.5 is half way to 1 so this makes the sound play half speed. The groove is connected to a buffer, if both of them have the same name then they automically relate to each other, if you do this wrong you will have a error outputted but once they have been connected and related to each other the error message will dissapear. The 1 or 2 represents the sound output, mono for one speaker or stereo for two speakers. I have used the speaker symbol here instead of the dac~ to give you a better understanding of its use. The min and max points in the number boxes do exactly as it says. The buffer looks like this:

Simple read message sent to the buffer which has been related to its groove~ object, the length of what we want and 1 or 2 for the sound outputs.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Max5 Inputs


Max 5 has many inputs available for the software to take in, this is done by using different objects to get the data in, one of these objects is the ctlin which is a midi controller. The following allowed us to find a key's number and a reference number to that key, using keyboards this time, don't worry this will be covered later:


The keyboard can also be tracked determining which key you press, the object for this is key and it tells you the ascii number of the key pressed NOT the letter. Here is a complex version of a keyboard tracker:

In the above code when the key 115 is pressed (I think it was P) it activates the toggle button which then turns on or off depending on it's previous state, if on the delay will start repeating at a high rate generating a random number up to 110 by the random object and displayed in the number box, if the button 112 is pressed (can't remember what button that was) the middle circle will light up and if any other key is pressed the right circle will light up.


 Last but not least is the mouse which has 5 parameters:

When the toggle box is active the mousestate objects checks what the mouse is doing, if clicked the toggle box will turn on and off and generate a 1 or a 2 to show if its on or off, the next 2 fields are the X and Y position of the cursor and the last 2 fields are the movement in the X and Y direction, if the user moves the mouse rapidly the numbers will be high compared to slowly where the numbers will be low.